Good Morning ( Message )

ATT00010 Life is very short, so break your silly ego, forgive quickly, believe slowly, love truly, laugh loudly & never avoid anything that makes you smile. Have a beautiful day !!! by JIBI

English Idioms - letter U

Idiom Definition Usage
ugly duckling unattractive She was an ugly duckling when she was a child.
under a cloud under suspicion The politician has been under a cloud over the possibility of taking bribes.
under a cloud depressed He has been under a cloud since he lost his job.
under cover in disguise The detective went under cover to look for the drug dealers.
under fire being scrutinized The owner is under fire for poor working conditions at the factory.
under one's belt completed He already has enough experience as a manager under his belt.
under one's belt in his stomach After he has a big breakfast under his belt, he is ready for work.
under one's breath quietly He was talking under his breath in the library.
under one's nose in an obvious place He found his wallet under his nose.
under one's own steam without assistance He completed the project under his own steam.
under one's thumb under his control He is only a salesman but he has his boss under his thumb.
under one's wing under his care He took the new employee under his wing.
under the counter secretly The drugs are being sold under the counter.
under the hammer up for sale at an auction The painting went under the hammer and sold for a very high price.
under the table in secret and illegally He paid some money under the table in order to get his product exported into the country.
under the weather ill He is feeling under the weather so he is going to bed early tonight.
under wraps not allowed to be seen The new car was still under wraps when the auto show started.
unearthly hour absurdly early We got up at an unearthly hour this morning so we could get ready to go camping.
until hell freezes over for an eternity He said that he would not talk to his friend again until hell freezes over.
up against in contact with The ladder was standing up against the tree in the yard.
up for grabs available This is a good sale. Everything is up for grabs.
up against confronted with He was up against a lot of problems when he went to university.
up and about recovered She is now up and about after her injury.
up front honest He was up front about the condition of the car.
up in arms very angry and ready to fight The villagers were up in arms over the proposal.
up in the air undecided It is still up in the air whether or not she will attend college.
up one's alley something he is good at Computer programming is up his alley.
up one's sleeve something kept secret He probably has something up his sleeve.
upper crust most famous and importan peoplet The upper crust of the city are members of this country club.
upper hand advantage The union members have the upper hand in the negotiations.
ups and downs moments of good and bad fortune He is having a few ups and downs but generally he is doing well.
upset the applecart ruin the situation Try not to upset the applecart.
up the creek in trouble She is up the creek now that she has lost her homework.
up the creek without a paddle in trouble and unable to do anything about it She is up the creek without a paddle now that she failed the class.
up the river without a paddle in trouble and unable to do anything about it She is up the river without a paddle now that she failed the class.
up to as high as The snow was up to her waist.
up to secretly planning She was trying to figure out what he was up to.
up to the decision of It is up to his wife whether or not they purchase the house.
up to it able to do it They were not sure if he was up to it or not.
up to the job able to do it They were not sure if he was up to the job or not.
up to until She had not been to Japan up to this year.
up till until She had not been to Japan up till this year.
up until until She had not been to Japan up until this year.
up to one's ears very busy She is up to her ears with the project.
up to par at the usual level His work was not up to par and he was asked to quit his job.
up to scratch at the usual level His work was not up to scratch and he was asked to quit his job.
up to snuff at the usual level His work was not up to snuff and he was asked to quit his job.
up to the mark at the usual level His work was not up to the mark and he was asked to quit his job.
up to someone her decision It is up to her when it is time to leave.
up to the chin deeply involved He has been up to the chin in the project.
used to accustomed to She is not used to living in such a big city.
use one's head think You should use your head a little more.
use one's bean think You should use your bean a little more.
use one's noodle think You should use your noodle a little more.
use one's noggin think You should use your noggin a little more.
use up completely use They had to use up the paper before ordering more.


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Every Human Being MUST watch this video

Nick Vujicic and his attitude serve as a great examples of the celebration of life over limitations.

The human spirit can handle much more than we realize.



Think you've got it bad?
Need some encouragement?
Fallen down?
Can't find the STRENGTH to get back up?

Watch this video. It will help. Then share it with others.


"If I fail, I try again, and again, and again..."
If YOU fail, are YOU going to try again?

It matters how you're going to FINISH...
Are you going to finish STRONG?

We are put in situations to build our character... not destroy us.

The tensions in our life are there to strengthen our convictions... not to run over us.


Nick is thankful for what he HAS.
He's not bitter for what he does NOT have.

I have never met a bitter person who was thankful.
I have never met a thankful person who was bitter.

In life you have a choice: Bitter or BETTER?


yes this is not the End!! Never GIVE UP



How configure multiple skype

Skype has added a new switch for supporting multiple users on a single PC. The following steps would show how to create a new shortcut for starting a new Skype instance with a different Skype user account.

  • Open Windows Explorer and go to "C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone."
  • Right click on the Skype icon and select "Create Shortcut."
  • Right click on the new shortcut and select "Properties."
  • Apply " /secondary" to "Target" to become '"C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /secondary.'
  • Click OK to save the change.
  • Give the new shortcut a new name and move it to anywhere you desired.
  • When you click on this new shortcut, a new Skype window will appear and you can log on using another Skype account.
Simple know!!! Hope it Helped

ya Make a skype call, i am there -> jibinclt

Hidden SKYPE Emoticons and Skype Smileys

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I love GOA


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